Tuesday 20 October 2015

5 Best Pain-Fighting Moves for Walkers

These activities, encouraged by Mark Fenton, former national team race walker and author of The Complete Guide to Walking, can keep you walking stronger and longer by guiding you avoid common issues.

To Avoid Shin Pain

Foot Roll
Standing with your feet almost together, 
[1] Infold onto your toes, hold for 2 seconds, and roll back down. 
[2] Then roll onto the outsides of your feet, hold for 2 seconds, and roll back down. 
[3] Next roll onto your heels with toes off the ground, hold for 2 seconds, and roll back down. Do this sequence 10 times before every walk.

To Avoid Lower-Back Pain

Ab Crunch
Lie with your knees bent and arms across your chest. Contracting your abs, raise your head, neck, and upper back off the floor. Think of pulling your rib cage towards your pelvis as you roll up. Hold for a second and then gradually lower. Do 10 repeating to the center, 10 twisting to the right (pictured), 10 twisting to the left, and 10 more to the center. Perform the sequence 4 to 6 times a week.

To Avoid Knee Pain

Straight-Leg Raise
Rest on the ground with your left leg stretched in front of you, right leg bent, and right foot flat on the ground. Place your hands behind you and sit up straight. With your left foot stretched, contract your left thigh and lift up your leg 6 to 12 inches off the ground. Hold for 5 seconds and then lower. Do 10 lifts, and then change sides. Perform the series 2 to 4 times a week.

To Avoid Leg Aches

Hip and Calf Stretch
Standing with your feet together, step your right feet in front of you about 3 to 4 feet so both feet are pointing forward. Bend your right leg so it's just above however not in front of your right foot. Keep your left leg straight and your left heel on the floor to feel a stretch in your left calf. Flatten your lower back and tuck your pelvis so you also feel a stretch in the front of your left hip. Keep for 4 to 7 slow, deep breaths, release, and repeat on the other side. Stretch each leg 2 times following every walk.

To Avoid Upper-Back Tension

Upper-Body Stretch

Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart and elevate your right arm overhead, bending your elbow so your right hand is behind your head. Place your left hand on your right elbow and carefully pull your elbow to the left, allowing your upper body to bend a little to the left. Hold for 4 to 7 slow, deep breaths, release, and repeat on the other side. Stretch each side 2 times after every walk.

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