Tuesday 20 October 2015

Watermelon Mojito Smoothies to Boost Your Immune System

Watermelon Mojito

Watermelon and mint is a super-healing combo, and when blended together in a smoothie, they taste indulgent. Watermelon contains lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant that can safeguard against degenerative diseases and help cells perform better. Mint contains menthol, which is a natural decongestant that helps separate phlegm and mucus. Blend up this treat when you are experiencing under the weather or have to clear your sinuses.
Watermelon Mojito
(Makes 2 servings)
2 c Swiss chard, stems removed
¼ c fresh mint, stems removed
2 c chopped watermelon
2 c chopped mango
Juice of ½ lime
1. BLEND the Swiss chard, mint, and watermelon until smooth.
2. ADD the mango and lime juice and blend again.

Tip: There's no need for an added liquid base in this recipe; once you blend your watermelon, it will liquefy and make melon "juice."

1 comment:

  1. Yummy. A Must try smoothie specially in summers.........
